Direct target group:
- Educators and teachers from kindergarten and primary schools (each university will work with a pre-university partner; from each educational institution will be trained around 10 teachers of kindergarten/primary school; as total will be around 40 teachers directly trained)
- Children age 0-10/11 (including children from disadvantaged groups and special needs; around 25 children per class X 10 classes per partner = 250 children/partner; an amount of approx.. 1000 children)
- 2 Kindergarten and 2 Primary schools (1 Romanian kindergarten; 1 Latvian kindergarten; 1 Romanian primary school; 1 Turkish primary school)
- University teachers (4 per partner, a total of 16 university teachers)
Indirect target groups, who will be informed by the project activities and can join the project actions and benefit from the products created:
- Parents
- Schools principals
- Teachers
- Associated kindergartens and schools
- Educational centers/NGOs and association in education
- Public authorities in the field of education